Welcome to my blog! I write about a variety of topics, from Computer Science to Public Transportation and many more! There's no real reason I write the stuff I write other than to rant, so take it at face value. :)
Opportunity Island - PGAS Project
For our latest group project, we were assigned to work on a Social Studies related game, based on GA educational standards in economics. I had never used Unity before, so this was a fun and insightful project!
No, there are not drones invading New Jersey, you are just stupid.
Since basic media literacy has gone to die, it's time to make a blog post debunking the latest conspiracy theory. Sigh. Also, let me call out a bunch of awful media sites for spreading this nonsense.
Arduino Home Sensor Project Write-up
For our group project, we created an Arudino-based smart home device that provides the user with information about the enviorment such as the tempature and room humidity. It was not the easiest project to say the least.
My presentation, but it's not really a presentation.
I made it into a blog post to show how this system works as well as why this is such a cool project. It has some pictures and a little bit of text, but most of the time is spent on actually showing how cool the site is.
The Boring Company's Las Vegas Loop is a terrible project.
Adding public transit is rarely a bad thing in the United States. Somehow, Elon Musk managed to ruin it for Las Vegas, creating argubly the worst form of public tranit imaginable. I'll dive into the problems it has and why further development on new tunnels should be halted.
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